APPIC Telehealth

Below are resources from our telehealth assessment project, funded by APPIC, that you may use free of charge. For questions about the project please contact Dr. Ty Stafford at

Adapting Telehealth Assessment to Student Counseling Services PowerPoint

PowerPoint presentation with audio on adapting an assessment battery to telehealth and training health service psychologist trainees 

Adapting Telehealth Assessment to Student Counseling Services video

Video version of the same presentation


The below assessments represent the ADHD assessment telehealth protocol used for this grant and training experience.  Protocols should be adapted to your specific needs and location. Links to open source materials are provided, as well as links of where to purchase non-open sourced assessments.  

Sample Training Documents

These materials were used in the training and preparation of our assessments. They are included to provide sample training materials that can be adapted for individual sites, assessments and needs.  Materials should be edited to fit the needs of your unique site. 

Recommended Hard-copy texts

Additional Links